Robotic emotional support animals
August, 2021
Fund 2
Southern California
32 Ventures
Angel Physicians Fund
Start Engine
Ting Orange
Best Year Holdings (Vision Real)

Quintuple aim

Tombot will make the first FDA-regulated medical grade realistic robotic animal that transforms the daily life of individuals, families and communities facing health adversities. Originally designed to meet the specific medical needs of seniors with dementia, Tombot Puppies have also been preordered for other medical conditions, long inpatient stays, and arduous outpatient treatments at hospitals. Peer-reviewed studies show that robotic animals positively affect some users’ ability to cope with stress, anxiety, loneliness, depression, and pain, reducing their need for psychotropic and opioid medications. Using groundbreaking technology, fabrics, and animatronic techniques, Jim Henson’s Creature Shop brought the Tombot to life with uniquely life-like expressions, behaviors, and quality.